

Are you going through day-to-day motions or do you feel you are thriving in your life?

It’s a good question to ask – and notice — what the answer is. Yoga exists to help us achieve a joyful, vibrant and peaceful state of being.  The answer is there in all its practices and all its philosophy to nourish us and to help us thrive in the world. Struggle and dissatisfaction exist when we are not thriving. Everyday living lacks depth and meaning if we just exist in the day-to-day. 

It’s important to note that we are human. This experience of joy, vibrancy and peace isn’t permanent. We have to keep returning to the practices of yoga, meditation, lifestyle, diet and self-care to get back to the state of thriving.

What does it mean to thrive? Thriving is a measure of high functionality in your life: healthy relationships, physical health, emotional health and living in a way that falls in line with your beliefs. 

Yoga strengthens the outside and leads us inside. It challenges us to identify what prevents the experience of full embodiment of joy and love in our lives.

All this just from doing downward facing dog? Body, breath, mind and perception are all affected by practicing yoga. Step on the mat and get ready to flourish.


Keely Totten 

Yoga & Meditation Teacher 

Thriving in the World, One Day at a Time