About us

Introducing the KULE Yoga & Ayurveda Teachers

Experience authentic yoga, sacred teachings, and healing wisdom.

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KULE Yoga & Ayurveda is a wellness center and a school for learning. We are committed to providing a nurturing environment for students to get healthy, go inward, and become inspired. Each one of us has a desire to live authentically and to reach our fullest expression. To move towards this ideal, we use ancient time tested practices to help each student experience a joyful expansion and comfortable, optimal state of health. Rooted in ancient tradition, KULE offers yoga and meditation classes, wellness services, retreats, trainings and continuing education.

The word KULE (Koo – Lay) means “in the lineage” (as translated by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait). This meaning extends to include “community” or “family”.

It is with great honor that KULE Yoga and Ayurveda seeks to provide that loving community experience for all. Let KULE become your inclusive place to connect in and outside of class. This word KULE is also showered with the vibration and wisdom of the lineage of the Himalayan Masters, which is tradition going back thousands of years.

Owner and founder of kule yoga & Ayurveda

Keely totten

KULE Yoga & Ayurveda is a warm, inviting yoga studio, wellness center and school for learning. Start from the beginning or dive deeper into rich, soul fulfilling teachings. KULE offers classes, private sessions, workshops, trainings and retreats.

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