

What makes you beautiful? Is it in the genes? Is it the way you smile? Beauty is definitely more than skin deep. Some might say that beauty shows love. 

Individual beauty is a combination of factors both external and internal. External beauty is often a reflection of internal equanimity, but it also reflects how we take care of ourselves. A healthy diet positively affects the look of our skin, the shape of our body, how we feel, and how much energy we have. Diet includes hydration as well. Drink that water! And they don’t say “get your beauty sleep” for no reason. It’s true —sleep rejuvenates and allows the body and brain to re-charge, reflecting how we look and how we feel. Regular exercise also brings about internal and external beauty. It’s remarkable how great students look after yoga in particular – beautiful, at ease, flexible, strong —all the positive attributes show. 

The landscape inside shows on the outside too. Our state of mind– particularly over time– can nourish or wear on us. Anger, criticism, and disharmony don’t bring out the love and beauty we need to feel our best. But the person filled with love, joy, and wonder comes across as strikingly beautiful time and time again. Find someone who’s at peace inside from a spiritual meditation practice and you will see them shining with beauty. 

Beauty exists in our experiences too which includes our struggle to transform. Strength from adversity and courage amidst fear is a beautiful thing. 

How do you become beautiful? Well, first, you already are.  But to let it shine from the inside out, give yourself love through self-care. Practice yoga, meditate, eat well, sleep, and let go of that which you can’t control. 


Keely Totten 

E-RYT 500, Yoga & Meditation Teacher, Seer of Beauty