Ayurveda: Getting Clear

Ayurveda: Getting Clear


Ayurveda: Getting Clear – What is it? How does it intersect with Yoga?

KULE offers teachings and practices in both Yoga & Ayurveda. Yoga as a whole is the way in which we find the Truth and find the Self. It is philosophy, techniques, practices and ultimately a united state of body, mind and soul.  

Practically, we look to yogic practices to move us toward enlightenment and remove suffering. Think of it as the way to keep the temple of the body and mind, clean, clear, strong, aspiring and aware. The finite part of us that’s here on the Earth living becomes ONE with the infinite part of us that never changes.

Yoga works hand-in-hand with Ayurveda for total health: enlightenment + healing. Ayur means life and Veda means knowledge. It is life knowledge or the science of life. It is one of the oldest holistic medicinal systems in the world. The Ayurvedic approach to health and healing addresses the cause of disease, suffering and imbalance. It goes way beyond treating symptoms. It is a comprehensive approach to health in its entirety. Like Yoga, Ayurveda’s system attempts to bring us into optimal health so that we can experience the Self and Truth. This sounds like a weighty idea because it is. Our smaller self that experiences the world each day is forever connected to our Soul, our purpose for being here and our true Divine nature.

Ayurveda: Getting Clear: So how does Ayurveda work? How does it apply to me?

The wisdom of Ayurveda is all around us, and within us. Ayurveda looks to the natural elements of Ether (Space), Air, Fire, Water and Earth to determine each person’s original state: Prakruti and our current state: Vikruti. Prakruti is the state of the elements at the moment of conception. Vikruti is the current state. Our original state gives us some measurement of what balance is. Therefore, we want to know both of these states in order to find wellness and balance.

There are three mind-body types, or doshas in Ayurveda: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Vata is made of Ether (Space) and Air. Pitta is made of Fire and (warm or hot) Water. Kapha is made of Water (cool) and Earth. Each dosha has its own attributes such as hot, cold, moist, dry, dull, sharp, etc. which mirror the elements. These attributes show up in our personalities, our physical structure, our mental and emotional inclinations, in our everyday function in the world and in where and how disease develops within the body.

To find optimal health, it’s important to know who you are and what your imbalance is! By having this sacred self-knowledge, it informs your ability to seek balance and solutions. Not only does this knowledge lead to healing and correction of imbalance, it can highlight and celebrate the very best parts of who you are. Are you a creative person who inspires? Are you a leader with an ability to speak and organize projects? Are you the stable and loving force whose stamina exceeds all others? Identifying inate gifts as well as vulnerabilities is empowering. It leads to self-understanding as well as a depth of understanding of the world in which we live.

Please join an upcoming Ayurveda Immersion. Next one begins June 22, 2019. Look under Trainings > Continuing Education/Enrichment. https://kuleyoga.com/training/continuing-education/

Immersions are open to ALL interested students and persons.