
Lifestyle, health conditions, and dharma

Ayurveda & Wellness Offerings

Take a look at your lifestyle, health conditions, and dharma (highest service to the world) through the lens of Ayurveda. Ayurveda, one of the oldest medicinal systems in the world, has immense healing power and time tested ancient wisdom.

Ayurveda body type quiz

What’s my dosha?

We each have all of them, however one usually predominates and reveals qualities of our physical attributes, functional health and mental and emotional tendencies.

VATA (Air + Ether) : Thin Frame, Dry Skin, Variable Appetite, Prone to Gas, Fluctuating Moods, Light Sleeper, Creative, Free Thinker, Impulsive, Overwhelmed

PITTA (Fire + Water): Medium Frame, Athletic Build, Prone to Acid Indigestion, Very Focused, Project Oriented, Prone to Anger, Adventurous, Intense

KAPHA (Water + Earth): Thicker/Larger Frame, Soft, Rounded Features, Physically Healthy, Good Stamina, Prone to Melancholy, Heavy Sleeper, Quiet, “Solid as a Rock”

Lifestyle | health | dharma

Ayurvedic Yoga Sessions

What is covered in a Consultation?

We use diagnostic and intuitive techniques rooted in the science of Ayurvedic Medicine and Yogic Philosophy to determine the following:

  • Identify a clear goal and path for wellness (and the focus for our time together)
  • In-depth evaluation of health
  • Pulse and Tongue Assessment
  • Prakruti (original mind-body state)
  • Vikruti (current state of imbalance)
  • Subtle Body Assessment including dominant guna (mental attribute) and state of prana

Recommendations to reach a state of balance may include:

  • Specific Dietary Plans and Suggestions
  • Lifestyle Practices: cleansing techniques, sleep and food schedule, creativity recs, self-love practices, and 3/5/7 day cleanses
  • Yoga, Meditation, Mantra, Relaxation, Yoga Nidra
  • Herbal recommendations in the form of capsules, oils, churnas, lepas, ghee, and teas
  • Specialized protocols for specific conditions/imbalances

VERY important note: Imbalance did not happen overnight. Some vikrutis (imbalances) have established a well-worn groove over time. It takes time to impact health, lifestyle and chronic conditions. Care is best given over 6 months to 1 year. However, often, positive relief comes after a few appointments when recommendations are followed. It’s important to keep on and continue to check in. Optimal health, Svastha, is a comfortable state of peace and being in rhythm with who you are. It’s better than you imagined! And we are here to help bring you there.

Consultations are given in-person OR virtual via Zoom, Facetime, or over the phone.

Current package deal: Initial Consultation (1.5-2 hrs.) + Follow Up (1 hr.) Report of Findings =

$295.00 with Keely Totten, Ayurvedic Practitioner/Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist (disease management, preventative care, complex conditions)

*See accessibility sliding scale notes below

Single 60 min Follow Up: $135.00

Quick 30min check in: $75**
**For current clients seen within 3 months & who have completed at least three (3) appointments beyond initial intake. Ideal for acute health issues or brief health follow-ups.

Continuing Care with a 3-month commitment: (includes up to (6) 45-min. follow-ups): $160/mo.
Continuing Care with a 6-month commitment: (includes up to (12) 45-min. follow-ups): $140/mo.

Ayurveda is for everyone and gives great attention to self-care practices, right diet, lifestyle and preventing and healing disease.

*Sliding scale available to specific clients/students to create financial and social accessibility. Please inquire by emailing info@kuleyoga.com with title “Sliding scale inquiry.”

For questions and to book your Ayurvedic Consultation, please email info@kuleyoga.com

Purchase Ayurvedic Consultation (intake + followup)

Knowledge of life

What is ayurveda?

Ayur means Life. Veda means Knowledge. We define Ayurveda as the “Knowledge of Life” or “Science of Life”.

Ayurveda is the sister science to Yoga. Together, the two make a dynamic combo supporting optimal physical health and spiritual enlightenment.

Over 5,000 years old, Ayurveda is an ancient traditional holistic medicinal system that unites body, mind and spirit. Ayurveda tells us that ultimately, every person has the ability to return to Svastha, a state of optimal health. It’s a peaceful, comfortable state of body and mind.

Think of it as being closest to our original state before the stresses and experiences of life came into play.

Ayurveda has a unique individualized approach. Derived from Samkhya Philosophy, it says that each one of us has five elements within us. These elements and the qualities within form the doshas of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Each person is born with their own combination of the doshas, which makes up a specific mind-body type. Each mind-body type, or Dosha, has their own physical attributes, qualities, functional and mental tendencies.

VATA (Air + Ether) : Thin Frame, Dry Skin, Variable Appetite, Prone to Gas, Fluctuating Moods, Light Sleeper, Creative, Free Thinker, Impulsive, Overwhelmed

PITTA (Fire + Water): Medium Frame, Athletic Build, Prone to Acid Indigestion, Very Focused, Project Oriented, Prone to Anger, Adventurous, Intense

KAPHA (Water + Earth): Thicker/Larger Frame, Soft, Rounded Features, Physically Healthy, Good Stamina, Prone to Melancholy and Stubbornness, Loves to Support, Heavy Sleeper, Quiet

When the doshas fall out of balance, disease arises within (1) the tissues of the physical body (2) the pranic and subtle system of vitality and (3) the function of mind and emotional stability.

Discomfort builds and overflow occurs. Agni, digestive fire of metabolism and intelligence, is disturbed. Without daily routines (dinacharya) and balance within the pillars of Food & Digestion (Ahara), Sleep (Nidra), and Highest use of creative energy (Brahmacharya), health and well-being suffer.

Ayurveda helps each person to get on track in a natural and holistic way. The whole approach is one of discovery. Discovery of unique talents, strengths, vulnerabilities and purpose in life. We also aim to discover our undeniable connection with the Earth and to heart consciousness as a whole. If this calls to you, using the principles of Ayurvedic medicine in your life may be the right approach for you. Please reach out and book a consultation today: keely@kuleyoga.com.


Sierra Madre / Pasadena / Virtual from Anywhere in the World

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